Dry skin on forehead

Dry Skin And Eczema: Top Home Treatment Tips 2024


Right, come on, admit it. 

When no one’s around…and no one’s watching…you just LOVE to scratch those lovely dry patches and watch the skin flakes bunch together on the sofa. 

No? Just us? You’re lying! 

But no in all seriousness, dry skin is a super common symptom of eczema and one we’re all probably very familiar with. 

It can, at its worst, become debilitating and cause negative emotional reactions for those suffering. 

That’s why we’re here to break it down and give you some home treatment tips to hopefully provide lasting relief. 

In this article, you’ll find: 

1) What is eczema? (Just quickly)

2) Symptoms and triggers

3) Different types of dry skin

4) Top home treatment tips

5) Final thoughts

So, what is eczema? 

Eczema is a chronic, non-contagious skin condition where patches of skin become red, itchy, dry and inflamed. 

It is believed that people who suffer from eczema (also named atopic dermatitis) suffer from a weakened skin barrier, leaving them more prone to allergens and external irritants. 

Often eczema shows up in ‘flare ups’ - where the skin gets progressively worse over a short period of time and symptoms can become exacerbated. 

Symptoms and triggers

Main symptoms of eczema: 

- Very dry skin

- Itchy skin that can often disturb sleep

- Open, crusted, or weeping sores

- Skin inflammation and redness 

Common triggers (these will vary between people): 

- Irritants - watch out for fragranced soaps, shampoos and detergents, as well as certain materials worn next to the skin (wool or synthetic fabrics for example)

- Weather - too hot and sweat may cause you to itch, too cold and your skin may dry out causing flakiness and irritation 

- Allergens such as dust mites, pollen or pet dander

- Reactions to certain foods, such as gluten, dairy or sugar 

Different types of dry skin 

This mainly applies to where on the body you are suffering from dry skin. 

If dry skin is predominantly on your body, then it’s typically classed as atopic or contact dermatitis

If however you have dry skin on your scalp, then the condition may be seborrheic dermatitis which causes a condition known as dandruff (that we’re sure you’ve already heard of). 

In extreme cases where you’re suffering from severe dry skin, it can lead to xerotic eczema (also known as asteatotic eczema). 

The former comes from the medical name for dry skin, xerosis, and is characterised by a hard, rough texture in affected areas and typically cracked fissures or crusty scales that line the skin. 

Top home treatment tips

1. Yan-Yee Skincare Mugwort Mist

Yay! Our very own Mugwort Mist! Enriched with a precise blend of 3 traditional Chinese herbs used for 1000’s of years to deeply moisturise dry skin, it also contains probiotics to help repair the skin barrier. 

This means that it’s totally kick ass at helping to fight back the symptoms of an eczema flare up and keep your dry skin feeling hydrated and protected :)

2. Follow up with a thick moisturiser!

Can’t hurt, right? You’ve deeply moisturised with our Mugwort Mist so now it’s time to add a thick, protective layer to help guard the skin. (Don't worry we'll be releasing one of these in future so you can buy directly from us). 

3. Understand and avoid your triggers

Such an important factor if you hope to take control of your flare ups. In reality it doesn’t matter what products you buy for your skin (ours included) if you’re not at least somewhat aware of what triggers your eczema in the first place. 

Think elimination diets and patch tests as a good place to start. 

4. Manage and control your stress levels 

A biggy! Very closely linked to the point on triggers above, stress can play an unseen role in eczema that you simply don’t realise is having such a big effect. 

The science says that when you’re stressed, you body releases cortisol which can in turn produce an inflammatory response in your skin. 

So try to slow down, breathe, relax (we love meditation) and your skin will thank you for it. 

5. Avoid hot showers! 

We know it can be so tempting when you’re in a flare up to jump in a hot shower. Like damn, it feels good, right? 

But the reality is that it’s probably doing you more harm than good. Hot showers can strip away crucial oils and minerals on your skin that help it to remain healthy. 

The answer? Opt for lukewarm instead. 

Final thoughts 

So there we have it! Our best advice on how to deal with dry skin. 

Any questions? Jump over to our Twitter page and let us know! 

With care, 

The yan-yee team


- American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Dry Skin: Overview. Link 

- National Eczema Association. Managing Itch. Link

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