Selection of different supplements sitting on spoons

Best Supplements For Eczema? Quick Guide + Top Tips 2024


When it comes to the treatment of eczema, we’re sure, like all of us, you’ve tried every dark arts black magic trick and secret potion going to help relieve symptoms. 

And for that - you can’t be blamed. 

It’s no fun living with itchy skin, having it dictate your every mood and impact how you choose to live your life. 

Planning a chilled weekend on the sofa watching Netflix? Nope, I don’t think so! Eczema has other wonderful plans in store (lying in bed scratching being top of the list). 

So when someone suggests dietary supplements might help to ease flare ups, you’re all ears, right? (As we were too). 

However with so many suggestions around on what (and whatnot) to take it can get confusing, and a little stressful.

So below we try our best to lay it out plain and simple - the best supplements you should be taking and how they’re good for your skin. 

In this article, you’ll find:

1. What is eczema? (Very quickly)

2. Best supplements to help ease symptoms

3. Treatment options if it’s too late!

4. Final thoughts

Let’s get to it!  

So, what is eczema? 

Eczema is a chronic, non-contagious, long term skin condition. It causes itchy, dry, inflamed skin and often appears in ‘flare ups’ when triggered by external or internal irritants. 

There are 7 different types in total, all with varying degrees of severity and impacts onto the body. 

Although eczema is a physical condition, it can have considerable impacts onto the mental health of those suffering. With this in mind, a holistic approach is often necessary to see real change, especially later on in life. 

Best supplements to help ease symptoms 

1. Vitamin D

This little beauty is known as an ‘immunomodulator’ - basically it helps the immune system function as it should. 

Considering the close relationship between eczema and allergies, utilising a supplement that will help strengthen your ability to fight disease is a valuable thing. 

It also acts to reduce inflammation and strengthen the permeability layer of the skin - two key aspects which can help eczema sufferers fight off flare ups. 

Although the sun is undoubtedly the best place to get your Vitamin D, supplements are second best if you happen to live in a gloomy part of the world (UK we looking at you). 

2. Omega 3

When it comes to poly-unsaturated fats, they’re split into two families: Omega 6 and Omega 3’s. 

Whilst we tend to get enough Omega 6 through our everyday diet, Omega 3 intake has fallen in recent years throughout the West. 

This is bad news, as a deficiency in fish oils can lead to dry, itchy or irritated skin.

A recent study found that women who took fish oil supplements during pregnancy were 36% less likely to have babies with atopic dermatitis. 

Clearly more research is required on the subject but overall it’s clear to see the positive impact Omega 3 can have on your body and immune system - so it’s probably a wise choice :) 

3. Probiotics 

When it comes to bacteria, your body is full of both the good and bad stuff. 

“Good bacteria” is what we’re referring to when we mention probiotics, and they can have a number of positive impacts onto the body.


- Boosting your immune system

- Improving digestive function 

And whilst this all seems great, unfortunately the current evidence to prove this is not yet conclusive. 

There has been research done to show that probiotics might be effective in reducing eczema in children, but for adults, it’s certainly more of a lottery. 

Regardless, improving your immune system is always a positive step so we’d suggest starting out by trying the following food choices. If these don’t work for you, then maybe move onto supplements (after consulting a medical professional first). 

- Kombucha

- Miso

- Apple cider vinegar

- Raw cheese

- Dark chocolate 

4. Zinc 

Another winning mineral when it comes to the immune system, Zinc has been found not only to support immune function, but also help to maintain the health of the cells lining the gut. 

Whilst you can get Zinc from foods such as organic meat, nuts and eggs, you may want to opt for a supplement if those don’t fit easily into your diet plan. 

5. Quercetin

Don’t worry, we’d never heard of it either! 

Quercetin on the face of it could have fantastic results for eczema sufferers. With anti-inflammatory properties, it also works to reduce the production of histamine (public enemy no.1 when it comes to itchy skin). 

A bit of an all-rounder, it too helps to promote a healthy gut. 

Treatment options if it’s too late

Sometimes, no matter how much salmon or broccoli you force down yourself, a flare up is inevitable. In the world of eczema, that’s a given. 

So what can you do if your skin is having an off day? 

1. Stop itching! 

We know - this is tough (damn near impossible sometimes). But when you itch, you can break open the skin barrier and leave yourself ripe for infection, not giving your skin the time it needs to heal. 

Luckily, our very own Mugwort Mist is exactly what you’ve been missing! 

Made from 3 traditional Chinese herbs used for 1000’s of years in Asian medicine, our plant-based formula has been especially designed to combat the symptoms of eczema-prone skin. 

With anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, it’s also steroid, paraben and sulphate free! Wonderful :) 

2. Avoid triggers 

If you’re lucky enough to know what triggers your skin, avoid it! At all costs. 

If you’re not that far down your eczema journey yet, maybe book in a patch or allergy test to help throw some light on the subject. 

3. De-stress 

When we’re stressed or anxious, our body enters ‘flight or fight mode’ and an inhibitory response is triggered which can lead to inflammation. This in turn, may be exacerbating your eczema symptoms. 

The answer? Although different for everyone, we like to preach meditation, mindfulness and yoga :)

Final thoughts

Overall there’s mixed reviews when it comes to supplements and their ability to help relieve eczema symptoms. 

However, clearly, there’s some logic and science that would suggest they certainly can’t do any harm. 

What are your personal experiences? Jump over to our Twitter page and let us know :) 

With care, 

The yan-yee team


- Immunomodulators definition. (n.d.). Link

- Searing D.A., et al. Vitamin D in atopic dermatitis, asthma and allergic diseases. (2011). Link

- Palmer D.J., et al. Effect of n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in pregnancy on infants’ allergies in first year of life: randomised controlled trial. (2012). Link

- Atopic Eczema. (2019). Link

- Can probiotics help treat eczema? (2017). Link

- Dhaliwal S., et al. Effects of Zinc Supplementation on Inflammatory Skin Diseases: A Systematic Review of the Clinical Evidence. (2020). Link

- Maramaldi G., et al. Soothing and anti-itch effect of quercetin phytosome in human subjects: a single-blind study. (2020). Link

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