Man scratching scalp

Dry Scalp And Eczema: Quick Guide + Top Tips


When you suffer from eczema, the incessant itch that accompanies your life can be one of the most frustrating parts of the condition to deal with. 

The hands, the arms, the back, the wrists - it’s frustrating. And emotionally draining at its worst. 

But when it spreads to the scalp - the annoyance can go up a notch. 

Unlike your bare skin where it’s easy to apply moisturiser, the scalp is a tricky part of the body that takes time and effort to try and soothe. And whilst it might feel great to scratch away at it for hours, we all know that isn’t the best approach! 

So we’re here (hopefully) to provide you with some welcome relief. 

In this article, you’ll find: 

1. What causes a dry scalp?

2. 3 top home treatment tips

3. How to apply scalp moisturiser

4. Other advice

5. Final word

So, what causes a dry scalp? 

When it comes to eczema and a dry scalp, unfortunately there’s no one specific cause we can point our finger at. 

We know it can lead to itchy, dry, inflamed patches on your head, but the underlying trigger is more of a mystery. 

There are 3 different types of eczema that can affect your scalp we should be aware of: 

1. Atopic dermatitis - the most common form of eczema, more usually found in children.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis - this is a form of dandruff and primarily forms on oily parts of the skin (face and back are other hot spots).

3. Contact dermatitis - occurs when your skin comes into contact with an irritant. For your scalp, this might be harsh chemicals in your shampoo. 

Daily washing, dehydration, stress and changes in weather can also be other reasons for an eczema flare up on your scalp.

3 top home treatment tips

1. Coconut oil

Well known for its skin-benefiting properties, coconut oil should be a go to when you have a dry or itchy scalp. Deeply moisturising, it also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties so it’s great for preventing an infection. 

When using it, massage a dollop into your scalp 5-10 minutes before washing your hair. 

2. Apple cider vinegar 

This can be great for balancing the pH of the outer layer of your skin, as well as ensuring it continues to function optimally. 

Anti-bacterial by nature, it can fight against fungi or your scalp that might be causing itchiness or irritation. 

And just to top it off, it’s a great exfoliator for helping to treat that dry skin! Basically, it’s a bit of a show off. 

3. Jojoba oil

Similar to coconut oil in composition and nature, jojoba oil is great for moisturising and soothing dry skin. With anti-inflammatory properties, it can also help to calm and ease a flare up if you’re in a bad spot.  

How to apply scalp moisturiser

So you’ve picked a treatment you want to go for - fantastic. But if it’s an oil, what’s the best way to apply it onto your scalp? 

Through a massage! Now isn’t that music to your ears. 

Not only will this relax you (and dispel some of that pent up stress) it will also increase blood flow to the scalp, promoting circulation and increasing stimulation where your skin needs it most. All very useful when it comes to ensuring a healthy, hydrated scalp. 

Be sure to rub slowly and in small circles, starting at the temples and working over the head back towards the nape of the neck. Avoid rubbing back and forth too much - the last thing we want is for you to irritate your skin by being over enthusiastic! 

Other advice

Know your triggers 

So important if you want to get a grip on your eczema (and live without an itchy head). You must understand what triggers your skin! We KNOW this is difficult and can seem like a never ending battle. 

Patch tests are a good place to start, check out some top tips we wrote on the subject here. 

When you’ve (hopefully) found what your triggers are, it’s vital you double/triple check your hair care ingredients to make sure they’re not included. If it’s contact dermatitis that’s causing your dry scalp, improving your skin can be as simple as removing the irritant from your close environment. Win.


Applies to any form of eczema, but is again so valid when it comes to your scalp. 

When you’re stressed or anxious, the body releases hormones that can lead to inflammation in your body. This then can exacerbate eczema symptoms (and prolong your itchy scalp if that’s where the flare up is centered). 

We like to preach meditation and mindfulness at yan-yee, jump over to our social channels @yanyeeskincare if you’d like to know more. 

Final word 

So there we have it! A quick run through on how to moisturise a dry scalp and some of our top tips on home remedies. 

Remember when it comes to eczema - stay consistent, be patient, and think positive! 

It’s a marathon, not a sprint :) 

What have we missed out? Head over to our Twitter page and let us know! 

With care, 

The yan-yee team


- Atopic eczema. (2019). Link

- Borda LJ, et al. (2015). Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: A comprehensive review. Link

- Feeling stressed? How your skin, hair and nails can show it. (2007). Link

- Eczema: Overview. (2013). Link

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