Man holding crotch

Scrotal Eczema - Top Home Treatment Tips 2024


Well, isn’t this a lovely subject. 

If there was one place you REALLY didn’t want your eczema to spread to, it’s the scrotum. The elbow, the neck, the hands, these are places we can begrudgingly accept. 

But the scrotum? Too far eczema, too far! 

We’re sorry gents, we know this is a super personal and frustrating issue. But something needs to be done about it, right? Aren’t you lucky there’s lovely people like us in the world looking out for you :) 

In this article, you’ll find: 

1) What is eczema?

2) Symptoms of scrotal eczema

3) Causes

4) Treatment advice

5) Tips on prevention

6) Final thoughts 

Let’s get to it! 

First off, what is eczema? 

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic, long-term condition that causes your skin to become itchy, dry and inflamed. It’s thought that those who suffer from eczema have a weakened skin barrier, leaving them more open to allergens and irritants entering the body.

Eczema is not contagious and doesn’t mean your skin is dirty or infected, but more sensitive and likely to over-react to certain triggers.

It often shows up in ‘flare ups’ - where symptoms get progressively worse over a short period and can seem very difficult to break free from. 

Symptoms of scrotal eczema

With scrotal eczema, it’s often possible for it to be confused with other conditions that also affect the groin area - namely fungal yeast infections

For this reason, it’s always important you consult a health professional first if you think you might be suffering from scrotal eczema - just so your treatment plan starts off on the right track. 

Clearly the standard symptoms of eczema will also apply here - we’re talking itchy skin that can be dry and inflamed. 

But with scrotal eczema, there’s 4 different types you’ll want to look out for that can potentially help to identify how serious the symptoms are. 

Type 1 - mild, acute, dry 

The skin will appear reddened and irritated, with a clear difference between the affected area and healthy skin. It will be severely itchy and may in some places sting. 

Eczema such as this on the scrotum may clear up on its own in a few weeks - or may require intervention. 

Type 2 - severe, chronic, dry

The key difference here is the appearance of the scrotum. It may appear scaly and will be a brighter shade of red compared to Type 1. 

The skin on the legs underneath the scrotum may also be affected, and the need to itch will feel more intense. 

Type 3 - chronic, wet

Here the scrotum and inner sides of the thighs can appear moist, with liquid seeping from the affected area. 

Often this will be accompanied by a bad smell and maybe painful sores. 

Type 4 - swollen, ulcers

The most serious of the lot - and definitely when you HAVE to go and see a doctor (if you ignored our advice and didn’t go and see them when symptoms first appeared). 

In this instance, the scrotum will appear swollen with fluid or pus oozing from open wounds and ulcers. Again, this will smell bad and be very painful. 


When it comes to scrotal eczema, unfortunately the causes can be somewhat of a guessing game. It will take patience and trial and error for you to find out what’s triggering your flare ups. 

In general though, the following pointers are a good place to start: 

1) Stress - a constant amongst the causes of all types of eczema, stress is again important to consider when it comes to the scrotum. It can lead to an itch-scratch-stress cycle that is hard to escape from. The bottom line? Stress and your skin are closely linked. 

2) Irritants - Shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, condoms, think of anything that comes into contact with your scrotum that might have ingredients your skin will react to (avoid fragrances and ingredients like sulphates to be on the safe side). 

3) Exposure to heat or humidity - let’s face it, it can get pretty hot down there. Especially if you exercise regularly or wear thick clothing in hot climates. This then creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and exacerbate your symptoms. 

4) Lack of specific nutrients - simple but one to consider - zinc and riboflavin are the two to watch out for. 

Simple home treatment plan

- Stop the itching! 

We know, easier said than done. And sometimes? Will power just isn’t enough. 

But as luck would have it, our very own Mugwort Mist has you covered here. Enriched with a blend of 3 traditional Chinese Herbs trusted for 1000’s of years in Asian medicine, our unique formula has been specifically designed to combat the symptoms of allergy-prone skin. 

And the best part? It’s steroid free and anti-fungal :) 

- Understand and control your triggers 

So important for every type of eczema, and no different when we’re talking about the scrotum. You HAVE to get a grip on your triggers and understand what sets off your skin if you hope to control your flare ups. It’s probably the most important thing you can do. 

A patch test or elimination diet is a good place to start. 

- Stop, relax, breathe 

You heard us, take a minute. Relax your breathing. And try your best to de-stress whenever you can. 

We preach meditation and mindfulness as great tools for this, jump over to our social channels @yanyeeskincare to find out more. 

- Moisturise

We know that if you suffer from eczema your skin has a hard time retaining moisture. So give it a helping hand! Moisturise day and night and never skip it - consistency is key. 

Tips on prevention

- Wear loose fitting clothing 

Self explanatory but important enough to point out. Try your best to wear loose fitting clothing where you can especially if you exercise a lot and live in a warm climate. 

- Avoid extreme temperatures 

We’re talking hot rather than cold here and this goes hand in hand with the point above. Hottest day of the year? Don’t go for a run in your new skin tight boxers. Just don’t. 

- Eat a balanced diet, drink enough water and get your 8 hours! 

It’s crazy how often this is overlooked. Sleep well and get all the nutrients your body needs. It’s vital for skin health and you’ll thank yourself in the long run, trust us. 

Final thoughts 

Scrotal eczema certainly isn’t a walk in the park. Infact, it’s pretty damn nasty. But hopefully what we’ve laid out above can give you some welcome relief. 

What have we missed? Jump over to our Twitter page and let us know! 

With care, 

The yan-yee team


- Yeast infection in men: How can I tell if I have one? (2020). Link

- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Sources, benefits and dosage. (2015). Link

- Krishnan A, et al. (2013). Scrotal dermatitis - can we consider it a separate entity? Link

- Male genital eczema [factsheet]. (2015). Link

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